Monday, July 11, 2011

Loooong Time

As the title of this post's been a looong time since I have posted! A lot has happened since then too!

Where I left of last time we were going into a packed wedding weekend for the holiday. Lizz had a wedding on Saturday and Sunday, and Sara had a wedding on Saturday. I am dying for the photographers to get all of the links together from the weekend because all of the weddings were stunning. Lizz's on Saturday was jam packed with details (wish I could have seen it in person:)) but I hear the photos were amazing! Sara's wedding on Saturday was the one that I helped with, and we began set up on Friday. This set up was more difficult and time consuming than others because it was a design we had never done before. Instead of using the top of a tent, we rented just the frame and we then strung lights and hung drape in the was gorgeous at night!!!! Friday night we were all biting our nails because a terrible storm looked like it was going to roll through Charleston, which would have ripped all of the drape we put up. Luckily just a few pieces of drape were out of place, which was easily fixable!

The wedding I worked with Sara on Saturday was just a cute, fun, relaxing wedding, which as a wedding planner is our goal for the night. This couple was by far the nicest I have encountered so far. They were genuinely happy to be there, and were sooooo appreciative of everything we did for them. They even tipped Taylor and I at the end of the night, my first tip in the business! Check out all the photos I took from the wedding here, and then check out what the photographer did have to see the tent makes me want a tent like this hands down! One interestin idea that this couple did was a wishing tree, where friends and family could write down well wishes to the couple. In lieu of favors the couple opted to donate funds to a local research foundation for a disease their nephew has...great idea! and thier cake was a key lime cake....yuuuummmm!!!! The other layer was red velvet and I have to say its hard to find good red velvet wedding cake...Mom if that's what I want, you're making it!

Now for that Sunday that was the most hands on wedding I have participated in. This was simply because this was Lizz's best friend's wedding so a lot of people just pitched in to help. It was very simple but defitiely super cute and relaxing. Lizz and I made a hydrangea wreath for the ceremony area in the Courtyard of william aiken, center pieces for the tables upstairs, decorations for the tent, hung lanterns, , made pew markers, and then the ladies at Stems helped us out with some other center pieces and a LARGE one for the coral room..see in photos below. The other cute thing about this wedding, was the bride's mom made her cupcakes, and she opted to have a candy bar with favor toothbrushes because the bride was marrying a dentist! How cute!!!  

Lizz's wedding from that weekend too was especially amazing; she was so excited about it, which after doing this for 9 years should say something. I will be sure to post the photographer's link when we get it! 

Last week was an enjoyable week! I was at home for the holiday, and it was the first time in a long time that I could be at home and only worry about what was going on at home, which made it exceptionally enjoyable! I was not quite ready to come back to charleston, believe it or not, but I have learned recently it is always better to leave wanting more:) The kids missed me dearly, and it has been quite the battle for my attention this week. We played hide and go seek, and it amazes me how that never gets old! I am still trying to come up with some good spots! 

This week there will be lots of get ready! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the drape on the tent frames! You are right - quite lovely!
